CPRT Index

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Theodore Plantinga
Professor of Philosophy
Redeemer University College
Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

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Author(s): Alvin C. Plantinga
Title: God, Freedom, and Evil
Place of publication: Grand Rapids, Michigan
Publisher: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
Year of publication: 1974


Introduction 1

a. The Problem of Evil 7
1. The Question: Why Does God Permit Evil? 9
2. Does the Theist Contradict Himself? 12
3. Can We Show That There Is No Inconsistency Here? 24
4. The Free Will Defense 29
5. Was It within God's Power to Create Any Possible World He Pleased? 34
6. Could God Have Created a World Containing Moral Good but No Moral Evil? 45
7. Transworld Depravity and Essence 49
8. The Free Will Defense Vindicated 54
9. Is God's Existence Compatible with the Amount of Moral Evil the World Contains? 55
10. Is God's Existence Compatible with Natural Evil? 57
11. Does the Existence of Evil Make It Unlikely That God Exists? 59
b. Other Atheological Arguments 65

a. The Cosmological Argument 77
b. The Teleological Argument 81
c. The Ontological Argument 85
1. Gaunilo's Objection 89
2. Anselm's Reply 90
3. Kant's Objection 92
4. The Irrelevance of Kant's Objection 97
5. The Argument Restated 98
6. Its Fatal Flaw 101
7. A Modal Version of the Argument 104
8. A Flaw in the Ointment 106
9. The Argument Restated 108
10. The Argument Triumphant 111
[last page is numbered 112]


This book has no index.


Author(s): Theodore Plantinga
Title: Rationale for a Christian College
Place of publication: St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Publisher: Paideia Press
Year of publication: 1982


Foreword 7

1. The Academy and the People of God 11
Athens and Jerusalem
Plato's Academy
Secret teaching?
Double truth?
Calvin's Academy
To God be the glory
The social consequences of the Gospel
Jesus Christ as Lord and King
Unfinished business

2. Curriculum: The Question of Selection 27
Great books of the Western world
Curriculum as tour guide
The student's freedom of choice
Requirements for all students
Requirements within a program
Selecting topics for a course
Who supplies the textbooks?
Exposure and immersion
Subject matter and perspective

3. Curriculum: Basic Themes 43
Elements of the Christian outlook
Creation and redemption
The history of God's covenant people
The breakthrough of the Kingdom of God
The historical place of the incarnation
The rise of the secular outlook
Facts and values
The question of meaning
Coming to terms with technology

4. Curriculum: Interaction with the Secular World 59
Interest in Freud
The language of Ashdod
The treasures of the Egyptians
The wheat and the tares
A message for the world
Multilingual education
Guided interaction
The subject matter of science
A Christian reconstruction of knowledge

5. The Christian College as Community 75
Adrift in the university
The spiritual malaise of our time
Plato's Academy
Unity through a common faith
Unity through shared experience
Freedom, responsibility and discipline
Serving the broader community
The Christian community of scholarship

6. Canadian Needs 91
A university for Leyden
Prussia's response to Napoleon
Canadian universities
Geographical uniqueness
French Canada
Resisting British and American domination
The undefended border
A strategic decision
Investing in education

Notes 107

Index 110

[last page is numbered 112]


Academy of Calvin, 19-20, 93
Academy of Plato, 13ff, 79-81
Anglican Church, 94-5
Apollonius of Perga, 27
Aristotle, 13-15, 49
Ashdod, 60-1, 65
Augustine, 34, 36, 61-2
autonomy (see sovereignty of man)
Averroes, 17-18
Barker, Ernest, 35-6
behaviorism, 67
Berlin, University of, 93-4, 103
Biblical interpretation, 19-20, 44ff
Bishop's University, 95
Britain, 71-2, 97-100, 103
Bucer, Martin, 19
Calvin, John, 18ff, 27, 30
campus,ministry, 76, 82
Canaanite religion, 60-1, 66
Churchill, Winston, 71-2
community of faith, 82-4
community of scholarship, 812, 87-9
covenant, 46ff, 60-1
Coventry, 71-2
creation, 44-6
cults, 76-7
curriculum, 27ff, 43ff, 59ff, 86-8, 96ff, 104
Dalhousie University, 95
death of God, 54-5, 57, 78
discipline, 84-5
double truth (see reason and revelation)
eschatology, 48
existentialism, 66-7, 78
facts, 53-5, 69-70
Figgisj. N., 35-6
fragmentation, 80-1
fraternities, 82
freedom, 30-2, 38, 79, 84-5
French Canada, 98-9
Freud, Sigmund, 59-60, 67
Gierke, Otto, 35-6
Gilbert, William, 27
glory of God, 20ff, 52, 57
great commission, 63, 65
Greek civilization, 11ff, 19, 49, 52, 61,79-81
Green, T. H., 35-6
guided interaction, 65-7
Hegel, G. W. F., 34
history of medieval philosophy, 33
history of political thought, 35-6
homosexuality (see marriage and sexuality)
Humanism and secularism, 29, 39-40, 50ff, 59ff, 78ff, 87, 100
Humboldt, Wilhelm von, 94
incarnation of Christ, 44, 49-50
individualism, 35-6, 82
innoculation, 66-7
Isocrates, 13
James, 59
King's College (N.S.), 95
King's College (Ont.). 95
Kingdom of God, 23, 44, 47-8, 57, 62-3
Kuyper, Abraham, 35-6
language and education, 64-5, 99-100
Leyden, University of, 91-4, 102-3
logic, 33
lordship of Christ, 23-4
Luther, Martin, 19, 21, 25, 27
McGill University, 95
McMaster University, 96
Maitland, F. W., 35-6
marriage and sexuality, 60, 68-70, 76,83
Marxism and Karl Marx, 67, 77, 87
meaning, 21-2, 48, 54-5, 76, 85
Melanchthon, Philip, 19
Middle Ages, 16-18, 33, 36, 50-2, 91,93
Mill, James, 35-6
Mill, John Stuart, 35-6
morality, 53-4, 77-8, 84-5
Napoleon, 93,103
nationalism, 99
natural sciences, 68, 72, 81
Nazism, 54,103
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 66
nihilism, 78
norms, 54, 69-70
Paris, 28ff, 37-8, 64
Pascal, Blaise, 12
Paul, 12, 20-2, 24, 55, 57, 59, 64-6,84
perspective, 39-41
philosophy, 11-12, l5ff, 33, 44, 52ff, 71, 78-9, 81, 88
philosophy of history, 34, 36
philosophy of religion, 33
Plato, 13-16, 24, 49, 79-81
pluralism, 35-6 11
"practical" education, 14, 76, 80
prophecy, 47-8
psychoanalysis (see Freud, Sigmund)
reason and revelation, 11ff, 33
reconstruction of knowledge, 69ff, 87-9
redemption, 23, 44ff, 51, 78
Reformation, 18ff, 27, 36, 51-2
religion, 17, 52-4, 56, 59, 78
Renaissance, 52
requirements in education, 30ff, 40, 43-4, 83, 86
research, 13-14, 94
responsibility, 84-5
restoration of meaning, 82-3
Sabine, George, 36
sacred vs. secular, 23, 51-2
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 79
Satan, 23, 78
scholasticism, 25
science, 14, 45, 53, 56
secret teaching, 15-16, 20
secularism (see Humanism and secularism)
selection, 27ff
sexuality (see marriage and sexuality)
Shestov, Lev, 11-12
sin, 23, 45, 57, 62, 68, 78
social ethics, 23
social sciences, 68
sociology, 68-70, 81
Socrates, 13-17
Solomon, 60
Sophists, 13-14
sovereignty of God, 20-1, 24
sovereignty of man, 44, 54, 57
sovereignty of the state, 35
Spengler, Oswald, 49
spiritualism, 51
Sterne, Laurence, 27
subjectivity, 53, 56
subject matter, 39-41, 67ff
technology, 44, 56-7
Tertullian, 12
textbooks, 35-7
Toynbee, Arnold, 49
treasures of the Egyptians, 61-2
Trinity College (Toronto), 95
truth, 16-18, 20, 61
United States, 70, 97ff
unity, 81ff, 99
unity of life (see sacred vs. secular)
university, 13-14, 16, 75-7, 81-2, 91ff, 104
vaccination (see innoculation)
values, 43, 53-5, 69
vocation, 20, 51-2, 83
Waterloo Lutheran University (see Wilfrid Laurier University)
Westminster Shorter Catechism, 21
wheat and the tares, 62-3
Wilfrid Laurier University, 96
William the Silent, 92-3
"world," 60-1, 63, 65-6, 70
world history, 44, 47ff
Zwingli, Ulrich, 19


To discuss the idea of a Christian college is to think about both "curriculum" and "community." This short book is a down-to-earth exposition that explains the need for a distinctive Christian curriculum and also shows how a Christian college forms a community in its own right while endeavoring to serve a broader Christian community. The book is addressed to all Christians who take an active interest in higher education, regardless of their own educational attainments. It answers basic questions as it seeks to chart a direction for Christian higher eductaion in the 1980s and should especially benefit those who are concerned with the choice between Christian and "public" higher education.


Author(s): K.J. Popma
Place of publication: Amsterdam
Publisher: Buijten en Schipperheijn
Year of publication: 1972


1. De heelheid van de geschiedenis 7
2. Chaos en demonie 10
3. Demonie in de geschiedenis 14
4. Christus in Zijn geschiedenis 17
5. De rol van de demonen 24
6. Vervolgde gemeente 28
7. De tekenen van de tijden 31
8. Evangelie en geschiedenisbeschouwing 33

9. Cultuurcritiek 38
10. Ambrosius, de 'Latijnse Philo' 46
11. Typen van patristische cultuurcritiek 50
12. Tatianus 54
13. Tatianus als Christen en als theoloog 57
14. De actualiteit van Tatianus 62
15. Tertullianus 66
16. Lucifer van Calaris 70
17. Samenvatting betreffende de negativistische cultuurcritiek 74
18. Het speculatieve moment 75
19. De solidaristische cultuurbeoordeling 78
20. De brief aan Diognetus 78
21. Praeparatio evangelica 83
22. Apologetiek in de 20ste eeuw 86
23. Cultuur-solidaristen 90
24. Clemens' paedagoog 93
25. Tussenbalans 96
26. Origenes' geschiedenisbeoordeling 99
27. De grote Cappadociërs 102
28. Augustinus 111

29. Eenheid en onderdelen 116
30. Tijdperken en fragmenten 18
31. Het fragmentarische 122
32. Er bij zijn 125
33. Erbij-zijn en fragmentariteit 129
34. Groeiende eenheid? 132
35. Genezingsproces 137
36. Geloofsinzicht 142
37. Genezing en geweldpleging 146
38. Jezus' Seigneuraal optreden 149
39. Het strijdtoneel 151
40. De ernst van de tussentijd 157
41. De betekenis van de feiten 160
42. Samenvatten tot eenheid 165

43. Enige te nemen hindernissen 169
44. Geloofwaardige eenheid 175
45. Fragmentarisering van de mensheid 179
46. Fragmenten en eenheid 182
47. De buitenste duisternis en de geschiedenis 186
48. Universalisme 188
49. Nadenken over hel en geschiedenis 190
50. De hel en de eenheid van de geschiedenis 195
51. Het nut van globale kennis 198
52. De goede strijd 201
53. Levensvervonning 204
54. Dure en riskante lankmoedigheid 206
55. Herkenbaarheid 209
56. Herkenbaarheid en eenheid 211
57. Geopende historiciteit 214
58. Beoordeling en eenheid 216
59. Bestemde tijden van verademing 219
60. Enige macht over de tijd 221
6 1. De rol van het nadenken 224
62. Herkenning van fragmentariteit 227
63. Volwaardige historiciteit 229

64. Meer dan overwinnaars 233
65. De dood verzwolgen 237
66. De verlossing van ons lichaam 239
67. Eeuwig leven 242
68. De structuur van de overwinning 245
69. Het monsterachtige 249
70. Geestelijke boosheden 252
71. Overwinning en wapenrusting 255
72. Zinvol en niet ijdel 259
73. Historiciteit en geschiedenisbeschouwing 261
74. Historisme en verstaanbaarheid 264
75. De verstaanbaarheid van de heilsgeschiedenis 267
76. Schriftuurlijke zelfherkenning 272
77. Veel strijd 274
78. Gods hand in de geschiedenis 277
79. Het ingrijpen van God 279
80. Ingrijpen en overwinning 284
81. Gods strijd tegen Zijn volk 286
82. Geen goedkope overwinning 289
83. Overeenkomstig Zijn welbehagen 292
84. Voortgang en vooruitgang 294
85. Geschiedenis en gericht 297
86. Gerichten en eindgericht 299
87. Alle dingen 302
88. Onderweg 304
89. De interpretatie van het onderweg-zijn 307
90. Zwak en machtig 310

[last page is numbered 312]


This book has no index.


Author(s): H. Evan Runner
Title: The Relation of the Bible to Learning
Place of publication: Jordan Station, Ontario, Canada
Publisher: Paideia Press
Year of publication: 1982
Edition: Fifth revised edition


Preface to Runner 9
[by Bernard Zylstra]
Introduction 35
Lecture I: Thesis 45
Lecture II: Antithesis 59
Lecture III: Synthesis 87
Lecture IV: Scientific and Pre-Scientific 113
Lecture V: Sphere-Sovereignty 159

[last page is numbered 195]

This book has no index.


Author(s): Prof. H. Evan Runner, Ph.D.
Title: Scriptural Religion and Political Task
Place of publication: Toronto
Publisher: Wedge Publishing Foundation
Year of publication: 1974
Edition: Second, unrevised edition


Lecture I
Its Political Articulation 3
A. General Introduction 3
B. Special Introduction 14
C. Thesis 29

Lecture II
The Forms of its Political Expression and their Development in Modern Times 47

Lecture III
Its Contemporary Political Expression 105

[last page is numbered 123]

This book has no index.

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